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783 Symptoms concerning nutrition, metabolism ... - ICD-9-CM Online
Excludes: excessive weight gain in pregnancy (646.1) . Feeding problem ( elderly) (infant). Excludes: . slow fetal growth and fetal malnutrition (764.00- 764.99) .
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Failure to thrive - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In MeSH, the term is assumed to refer to an infant or child. . "not doing well": e.g. malaise, weight loss, poor self-care that can be seen in elderly individuals.
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Intrauterine Growth Retardation
Oct 21, 2007 . Normal small infants without adverse risks. Evaluation. Indicators of IUGR. Poor Maternal Weight gain. Most sensitive . ICD9, 764.90, 764.9 .
Integrating Breastfeeding into Your Primary Care Practice - CT.gov
Slow weight gain, failure to . hyperbilirubinemia in the newborn infant 35 or more weeks of gestation. Pediatrics: . Use ICD-9 code V67.59 (resolved problem) .
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Quick Reference Guide to Coding - Consciousness Awakened
ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Codes are used to report the reason why a product or . Commonly Used ICD-9-CM Codes . Slow weight gain, FTT, infant (>28 days) .
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Below this is a Summary of the ICD-9-CM codes that are relevant for pediatricians, alphabetically listed. It includes about 70% of . Excessive Crying, Infant, Hib, Strep culture, overnight. Exposure . 521.8, Poor dentition . 783.1, Weight gain .
D.C. Breastfeeding Coalition - Information for Providers
Commonly used ICD-9-CM Codes Related to Breastfeeding. Download . Feeding problem, infant (>28 days), 783.3 . Slow weight gain, failure to thrive, 783.41 .
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. and can develop dm2 after delivery...depends on weight gain, diet and genetics. . I developed the symptoms after and baby was 9lbs 1oz with jaundice. . Excessive maternal weight for height, increasing maternal age, poor dietary habits, .
Barth Syndrome Foundation - Diagnosis of Barth Syndrome
. cardiomyopathy (labored breathing, poor appetite, and/or slow weight gain) at or . and Human Services (HHS) has mandated the replacement of the ICD-9-CM . however probably fewer than 10 new Barth infants are identified each year in .
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Failure to thrive: Definition from Answers.com
If a baby continues to lose weight or does not gain weight as expected, he or . mechanical problems present, resulting from a poor ability to suck or swallow, .
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. on ICD-10-CM. Lack of normal physiological development in infants and children and adult failure to thrive . gain weight in accordance with standardized growth charts. It may be of . slow fetal growth and fetal malnutrition (764.00- 764.99) .
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Women were grouped in five categories of BMI and in three gestational weight gain categories; < 8 kg (low weight gain), 816 kg and > 16 kg (high weight gain).
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Breastfeeding Promotion, State of TX, Department of State Health ...
Sep 17, 2012 . ICD Codes for Providing Lactation Education and Management Services · The Health Care Provider's Guide to . Abnormal weight loss 783.2. Aerophagi . Feeding difficulty (infant) 783.3 . Slow weight gainer 782.4. Small for gestational age 764.0 plus 5th digit for specific gram weight (ICD9 book) .
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Breastfeeding and Lactation - American Academy of Pediatrics
Use standard ICD-9-CM codes, e.g., 779.31 or 783.3 . patient, in addition to billing for the baby, if history, exam . Slow weight gain, FTT, infant (>28 days) .
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Original Effective Date: 9/2/2010 - Revised: 9/1/2011 . Weight gain is poor and difficult and this is thought to be secondary to an oral-sensorimotor, pharyngeal, .
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Ccmmcnly used ICD-9-CM Cedes Related te Breastfeeding. BABY . Feeding prchlem, infant [I=-EB days} T513 . Slew weight gain, failure tc thrive i"B3.¢l1 .
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MALE. FEMALE. LACTATION DX ICD 9 CM CODES . 783.21 Abnormal Weight Loss . 783.41 Failure to Gain Weight . 783.3 Infant Feeding Problem >28 days .
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Growth of girls who later develop coronary heart disease
Design: Follow up study of girls whose body size at birth, during infancy, and . to have low weight gain in infancy but to have rapid compensatory weight gain after . the occurrence of coronary heart disease (ICD-8 and ICD-9 codes 410-414, .
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2012 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Code V23.89 : Supervision of other high ...
ICD-9-CM V23.89 is a billable medical code that can be used to specify a . ICD- 9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to V23.89: Toggle .
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Birth Weight, Infant Weight Gain, and Cause-specific Mortality
To characterize early size and infant weight gain, standard deviation scores have . Standardized mortality ratios for all-cause mortality, and each ICD-9 chapter, . Low Blood Pressure During Pregnancy and Poor Perinatal Outcomes: An .
MCUG3009 - Partnership HealthPlan of California
05/15/2002; 10/20/04; 10/19/05; 8/20/08; 4/21/10;) 9/15/10. Approve/Signature: . To define the guidelines for optimal nutrition in the healthy infant. Guideline: . Pediatric provider would use the diagnosis code 779.3. . sucking dysfunction, poor weight gain, congenital abnormalities and other medical conditions where a .
Medical Home Portal - Cystic fibrosis
Trypsinogen, which is produced only in the pancreas, is elevated in infants with CF and is tested for by an . ICD-9. 277.0, Cystic fibrosis . meconium ileus; salty sweat or sweat crystals on the skin; poor weight gain; smelly, greasy, bulky, and .
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Types of therapeutic infant formula and associated conditions...................... 9. Obtaining . Infant experiences slow weight gain. Mother . ICD-9 or CPT codes.
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ICD-9-CM Codes . Last sex was one day ago (first sex since delivering a baby girl 6 weeks ago. . 4 month old girl with Trisomy 21 with large ventricular septal defect, poor weight gain and exhibiting signs of mild congestive heart failure.
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Disorders | CH.ILD Neurodevelopmental Treatment Center - ABA ...
ICD-10 defines the same disorder as `disturbance of activity and attention', one of the . The first reports from North America appeared in the early 1980s (9, 10) and within the last ten years . Feeding problems and poor weight gain in infancy .
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Pyloric stenosis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Some infants present with poor feeding and weight loss, but others demonstrate normal weight gain. Dehydration also can occur causing the baby to cry without .
Philadelphia Breastfeeding Resource ... - City of Philadelphia
income and poor families may be eligible. Once the . If the feeding problem persists, use an ICD-9-CM such as 779.3, 774.6,. 783.21 . Slow weight gain, FTT .
2012 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Code 783.41 : Failure to thrive
Free, official info about 2012 ICD-9-CM diagnosis code 783.41. Includes coding notes, detailed descriptions, index cross-references and ICD-10-CM conversion .
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Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Practice Guidelines for the Management of
Infants with Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator- . disorder of metabolism in ICD-9; E88.9; Metabolic disorder, unspecified in ICD-10). . Pancreatic sufficient individuals with poor weight gain, loose stools, excessive .
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Short-chain acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase deficiency - Wikipedia ...
Some affected infants will exhibit vomiting, low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), a lack of energy (lethargy), poor feeding, and failure to gain weight and grow at the .
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Neonatal sepsis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The signs of sepsis are non-specific and include: lethargy, a poor cry, poor feeding, fever, jaundice, poor perfusion, sclerema, poor weight gain, renal failure, .
PHYSICAL EXAMINATION - Bright Futures - American Academy of ...
linear growth or poor weight gain could indicate a variety of medical . Weigh younger infants nude or in a clean diaper on a . ICD-9-CM Codes. 259.4 .
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Intrauterine growth restriction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) refers to poor growth of a baby while in the mother's . pre-pregnancy weight and nutritional status; poor weight gain during .
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Ohio WIC Prescribed Formula and Food Request - Women, Infants ...
(For Issuance of Soy Milk or Tofu only, ICD-9 code is not required. Must provide a valid . FTT, slow weight gain, low/under weight, or other qualifying conditions.
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Stomatitis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
. show signs of thinning hair, edema, inadequate growth, and weight loss. The stomatitis on the pictured infant indicates an accompanying Vitamin B deficiency . itself, such as poor oral hygiene, dietary protein deficiency, poorly fitted dentures, . a deficiency in vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), B3 (Niacin), B6 (Pyridoxine), B9 (folic .
Cystic fibrosis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Other symptoms, including sinus infections, poor growth, and infertility affect other . sticky mucus, frequent chest infections, and coughing or shortness of breath. . Symptoms often appear in infancy and childhood, such as bowel obstruction . The poor growth in children typically presents as an inability to gain weight or .
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5-Minute Clinical Consult : Ventricular Septal Defect
Sep 4, 2012. tachycardia; Diaphoresis with feeds, poor weight gain in infants . ICD-9. 745.4 Ventricular septal defect. ICD-10. Q21.0 Ventricular septal .