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Lumbar Spinal Stenosis: Diagnosis and Treatment Options
The annulus fibrosus forms the outer portion of the disc, and is composed of . ambulate with a forward-leaning posture and a moderately broad-based gait.
Back Problems Board Index: broad based annular bulge
s1 there is a high signal at the posterior margin of the disc compatible with annular tear. Broad based disc bulge with small central disc protrusion. There is .
See protrusion. Note: Broad based protrusion refers only to discs in which disc material has displaced in association with localized disruption of the anulus and .
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can you tell me what is a broad based disc protrusion with - HealthTap
Doctors give unbiased, trusted information on whether A can cause or treat Is: Dr. Lee: Low impact exercises are generally a good idea when one is suffering .
What is a broad based disc protrusion with paracentral annular tear
When looking at the lumbar spine, you will note that between each vertebra is a block of tissue that resembles a hockey puck. This "tissue" is actually a shock .
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Bulging Disc
By strict definition, a broad-based herniation involves between 25 and 50% of the . nutrients to enter the disc and begin healing the damaged annulus fibrosis.
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Ruptured Disc Surgery/Sciatic Nerve Pain Recovery · Spine & Spinal ...
Sep 19, 2012 . L4-L5 - Annular tear with a broad based right central and paracentral disc protrusion impinging onto right L5 nerve root. L5-S1 - Mild broad .
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Diagnostics & Test Results Forum - MRI results and opinions on my ...
C6-C7 The disc is mildly dessicated. There is a broad based left paracentral disc protrusion with small annular tear that does efface the thecal .
Annular Tears and Fissures (Intervertebral Disc Pathology, Part 2 of 3)
Sep 7, 2011 . Annular Tears and Fissures (Intervertebral Disc Pathology, Part 2 of 3) . " Symmetrical" and "Asymmetrical" disc "bulge" and "Broad-based" v.
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Oklahoma Protruding Disc Injury Attorneys | Tulsa Lawyers - Spinal ...
Herniated Disc: Herniation of the annulus is often described as a bulge or protrusion. A bulging disc is more broad based along the posterior side of the annulus .
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Disk Herniation Imaging
May 25, 2011 . Degenerative and/or traumatic changes in the disk represent broad category . of the disk space; diffuse bulging of the anulus beyond the disk space; . less than 25% of the disk circumference is involved, or as broad-based, .
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DISC INJURIES | Tulsa, Oklahoma Spinal Cord Injury Attorneys ...
Herniated Disc: Herniation of the annulus is often described as a bulge or protrusion. A bulging disc is more broad based along the posterior side of the annulus, .
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A consistent approach to describing disc disease is therefore necessary. . Broadbased disc protrusion A broad based disc protrusion involves less 180 but . has a narrow neck and is extrusion of nucleus polposus through an annular defect.
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Disc is composed of soft nucleus pulposus surrounded by strong anulus fibrosus. . Broadbased herniation is a herniated disc in between 90°-180° of the disc .
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May 17, 2012 . Annular Tear is yes, a tear in a portion of the disc. It does not . c5-6:There is a broad based right paracentral and foraminal disk protrusion with .
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L2-L3: There is some mild broad-based disk bulge causing mild central canal stenosis and bilateral neuroforaminal stenosis. An annular tear is present.
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Apr 30, 2007 . There is a 3mm broad-based central disc protrusion with partial annular tearing without the cal sac deformity or nerve root displacement.
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Disc Desiccation: Cause & Treatment of Desiccated Discs
A disc dessication is a degenerative condition that can be or become very painful . . Same with all the others except L3-L4 shows broad based disc bulge and . to my left leg, L4-L5 disc bulge with central disc protrusion and disc annular tear .
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Anular Tears/Fissures: An anular tear involves loss of integrity of the anulus with a radial, . Disc herniations may be termed "broad-based" if 25-50% of the .
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Severe pain due to disk problems? - CareCure Forums
There is loss of disc signal at L3 - 4 and L4 - 5. At each of these levels, broad - based annular disc bulge is present that results in thecal sac .
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Results 11 - 25 . At L4/5 a broad-based central annular tear and very small disc protrusion. There is no extrusion of disc material and no significant lateral recess .
What is broad-based disc bulge with annular fissure
What is a broad based disc protrusion with paracentral annular tear? travel beyond the broad ligament that travels down between the spine and the spinal cord .
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The damage comprises of a tear in the annulus fibrosus (see the section . Broad -based disc herniation This is where the disc is damaged extensively and .
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Diagnosis and Indications of Osteoarthritis
L5-S1: mild degenerative changes of disc and a small, broad-based midline posterior disc protrusion, mildly encroaching upon the canal and an annular tear.
http://www.britishlead.co.uk/downloads/fitting-guides2.pdfWhat is broad based annular disc bulge with a focal central left para ...
What is a annular disc bulge and a concentric disc bulge? What is a diffuse disc bulge? What is the cause(s)? What is central disc bulge in L4-L5 and L5-S1?
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Annular tear at L4/L5 symptoms - ADRSupport Community
L5/S1 - Grade 5 posterolateral annular tear/disc herniation. L4/5 - Grade 2/3 posterior annular tear/mild broad based disc bulge. There were .
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M.P.W.: The majority of times, bulges or mild broad-based disk protrusions do not . On the diskogram itself, I need to see an abnormal disk with annular fissures, .
Can you help interpret my MRI of the Lumbar Spine? - NeuroTalk ...
At L4-5 there is a tiny annular tear. There is a minimal broad-based disc protrusion. There is a small amount of fluid in bilateral facet joints.
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What Does a Visit Entail? - DiscForce: Non-Surgical, Non-Invasive ...
A disc herniation represents a rupture of nuclear material through a defect in annulus, producing a focal extension of the disc or a broad-based extension of the .
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Can you help interpret my MRI of the Lumbar Spine? - NeuroTalk ...
At L4-5 there is a tiny annular tear. There is a minimal broad-based disc protrusion. There is a small amount of fluid in bilateral facet joints.
Nomenclature and Classification of Lumbar Disc Pathology ...
Normal: Categorization of a disc as "Normal" means the disc is fully and . about the various forms of loss of integrity of the anulus, such as radial, transverse, and . The distinction between focal and broad-based is arbitrarily set at 25% of the .
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What is disc desiccation with small broad based posterior disk bulge
What does it mean when you have disk height loss with disk desiccation and a broad-based annular? Disc dessication is loss of water content of disc that occurs .
MRI report, need help understanding it - Back Problems Message ...
Mar 4, 2011 . There is a 2 mm broad based midline disc protrusion with effacement of . There is also an annular tear at this level and mild to moderal central .
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involved, or broad-based meaning between 25% and 50% of the disk circumference. As . disk may be defined as a disk in which the contour of the outer anulus .
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central broad-based disc herniation at l4-l5 with peripheral annular tear indenting the ventral thecal sac and contacting the bilateral descending .
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L4 - L5 considerable disc space narrowing and desiccation with ...
L4 - L5 considerable disc space narrowing and desiccation with broad-based posterior and posterolateral extension of inteervertebral disc with midline annular .
What is a broad disc bulge at L5-S1 and what does it affect
The disc is located between two vertebra and looks like a very solid "doughnut" made of multiple outer fibrous layers (called the 'annulus' which means "ring") .