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It was big news in Ft. Myers, Florida when an abandoned historic building was destroyed by vandals in a spectacular blast. Behind it lay the Lords of Chaos, .
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Lords of Chaos (group) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
They gained notoriety for a crime spree that ended with the April 30, 1996, murder of . 1 Formation of the Lords of Chaos; 2 Escalation; 3 Murder of Mark Schwebes . On April 12, 1996, in Fort Myers, Florida, Kevin Foster, Pete Magnotti and . a smooth bore weapon, Foster left the two spent shotgun shells at the scene.
Lehigh double murder crime scene photos released - The News-Press
Jul 12, 2012 . Today, Organizing for America-Florida will have a grand opening of a new office in . First Look: Fancy's Southern Café in south Fort Myers .
Police: Lack of willing witnesses 'frustrating' - Local News - Fort ...
Sep 17, 2012 . Next story in Fort Myers, FL Three teens accused of mobile home fire . Since the rash of summer murders in Fort Myers, Police Chief Doug Baker assigned 30 additional officers to the agency's Violent Crime Task Force. . A van was seized from the scene and police do have a suspect, but need more .
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Jul 20, 2012 . Police Chief Dan Oates said officers were on scene within 90 seconds of the first call and immediately detained suspect James Holmes near .
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Fort Myers Police > Home
Click here to take a quick Fort Myers Police Survey . Fort Myers Crime Reports . Want to work for the best law enforcement agency in Southwest Florida?
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Grandfather speaks out about grandson's murder - WFTX-TV Fort ...
2 days ago . This marks the 18th homicide investigation for Fort myers police this year. . Viewer Pics on Tumblr . FORT MYERS, Fla. . Willie McBride says he's outraged by the horrible scene, where his grandson . And f you have any information about this crime, please call Crime Stoppers at 1-(800) 780 tips.
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Jamie Yuccas « CBS Minnesota
. recently came from the spring training home of the Twins Fort Myers, Fla. . She won a Florida AP award for a long form feature story about a U.S. . fictional chief Marge Gunderson, and this time she may be solving crimes on the small screen. . Cultural Images From Around. . 9:00 PM, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation .
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Nov 29, 2008 . Crime scene images taken hours after Steven and Michelle Andrews were found murdered in their Gateway home. These are photos of the .
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Southwest Florida Crime News - ABC-7.com WZVN News for Fort ...
A longtime seasonal resident of Fort Myers was brutally murdered at her home in New Jersey. Investigators say Barbara Vernieri was found dead inside after it .
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Crime Scene Analyst
Crime Scene Analyst. by Amanda Dyal (Fort Myers, FL, USA). Photo Credit: Air Force Office of Special Investigations. I am going to school for biology and have .
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Son charged with second degree murder in elderly dad's death ...
Aug 2, 2012 . Mobile: mobile.northfortmyersneighbor.com . North Fort Myers Neighbor . Article Photos . had flown to New York out of Southwest Florida International Airport on July 18 on an 8 a.m. flight. . Evidence collected at the crime scene in Cape Coral as well as evidence collected in New York was processed.
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Gateway Killings News for Naples, FL from Naples Daily News
Current Gateway Killings news for Naples, Florida and its surrounding communities . VIDEO/PHOTOS: Cooper's former girlfriend testifies at second murder trial . 7, 2006 - A funeral mass is held for Michelle and Steven Andrews in Fort Myers; . in Central Florida after DNA testing appears to link him to the crime scene.
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Photos of double murder scene released - NBC-2.com WBBH News ...
Jul 12, 2012 . LEE COUNTY, FL -. The State Attorney's Office released evidence photos in the murders of . One killed, 2 injured in Fort Myers drive-by .
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Gun control or carry permits won't stop mass murder - CNN.com
Jul 21, 2012 . He writes the Crime and Punishment blog for the Boston Globe. Anderson Cooper anchors "AC360" from Aurora, Colorado, scene of the deadly .
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Baby boy among those treated after movie theater shootings - CNN ...
Jul 20, 2012 . Families of the victims had not been notified by midafternoon Friday because there was still an active investigation at the crime scene, Aurora .
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Murder suspect's family talking to Fox 4 - FOX 4 Now - Fort Myers
Aug 1, 2012. stints in jail. But Fox 4 has learned Myers knew suspect Dustin Jaye's sister and mother. . Weather · Video · Photos · Features . LEE COUNTY, Fla. - July 24th . "The crime scene itself was brutality ten times," said Myers.
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Cold Case Chronicles: Unsolved crimes of Southwest Florida News ...
Read stories regarding unsolved crimes in southwest Florida. . Willie Fletcher's mother and a Fort Myers police detective continue the search for his killer.
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Cape Coral shooting suspect, Kenneth Roop, once pulled gun on ...
Jul 27, 2012 . Fort Myers News-Press . PHOTOS: See some of the strangest, most notorious booking photos we've seen . "That's murder, execution-style," he said. . Rinard said it was too early to tell whether Florida's stand-your-ground law might be . PHOTOS: George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin crime scene pics .
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AMW | Fugitives | Luis Gonzalez | Case
Jun 29, 2012 . Lee County Sheriff's Office in Fort Myers, Fla., investigated the case day in and day out. Within a . Carr also gathered hard evidence putting Gonzalez at the crime scene. . Media Photo Tia and her Mom during happier times fugitives,Luis Gonzalez . Ore. Man Sought For Attempted Murder, Sexual Assault .
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Harris & Stutchin, PLC
Harris & Stutchin, PLC is an accomplished criminal defense law firm handling the . We serve clients in Fort Myers, Cape Coral and throughout southwest Florida. . Prevention Act. This includes still photos, videos or live performances viewed online. . Our practice has included everything from cases of road rage to murder.
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Sep 7, 2012 . Loading Photo Galleries . . Two workers killed in apparent electrocution on Fort Myers Beach . The deaths do not appear to be suspicious. . the scene several hours after the accident, and the area was blocked off with crime-scene tape. Florida Power and Light had to shut off power before the scene was .
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Physical evidence ties men to Three Oaks murder - Nbc-2.com
Aug 1, 2012 . Imhoff was killed inside a North Fort Myers home that Retherford . FORT MYERS , FL - . with bloody shoe prints found at the crime scene, deputies said. . Myers was shown photos of the items and positively identified them .
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Report: Three Oaks woman had her throat slashed during robbery ...
Aug 1, 2012 . Florida has two weeks to get ready for what is undoubtedly its toughest . he found his girlfriend Debra Striano murdered in their Three Oaks home. . Law enforcement kills fugitive in North Fort Myers following second homicide . Myers described the crime scene as horrific and brutal. . Photo Galleries .
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Jul 31, 2012 . The hunt is on for a man wanted in connection with a brutal murder of a . This as the Sheriff's Office arrested another man for the same crime. . LEE COUNTY, Fla . . Very, very brutal scene where there was a lot of evidence left behind. . Retherford is known to frequent North Fort Myers, especially around .
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Law enforcement kills fugitive in North Fort Myers following second ...
Aug 8, 2012 . A sheriff's deputy cordons off the scene where Billy Ray Retherford, a suspect in two homicides, was killed Wednesday in North Fort Myers.
Retired Madisonian killed by home intruder in Florida
Aug 14, 2012 . Enlarge Photo. A former Madison man was killed last week in North Fort Myers, Fla., after he surprised an . by Billy Ray Retherford, who was wanted in the murder of a 55-year-old woman. . More Local Crime & Courts stories . electronics'' · Win free movie tickets and stay on top of Madison's movie scene!
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15-year-old arrested, another teen wanted for violent carjacking in ...
Aug 11, 2012 . Black Thug murders elderly white woman because he "'wanted to see what it was like". FORT MYERS, FL - The man who admitted to going on a murderous crime . Calgary man admits to extorting nude photos from teens 2012-08-09 . Alongside them, 38 teenagers swarmed the crime scene, pistols .
Cape Coral man charged in shooting death of door-to-door ...
Jul 25, 2012. charged him with second-degree murder in the death of Nicholas Rainey, 30, . officials process the scene Wednesday of a shooting in Cape Coral. . Fort Myers Southwest Florida . men, one a Glades County schools employee, charged with sex crimes. Sep. 21, 2012. Most Viewed. Photo Galleries .
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Gateway Killings News for Naples, FL from Naples Daily News
Current Gateway Killings news for Naples, Florida and its surrounding communities . VIDEO/PHOTOS: Encounter between jurors and handcuffed Cooper sends . 7, 2006 - A funeral mass is held for Michelle and Steven Andrews in Fort Myers; . in Central Florida after DNA testing appears to link him to the crime scene.
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Caylee Anthony crime scene photos | Video Library | The News-Press
Fort Myers High swimmer Logan Samuelson swims laps during practice Tuesday at the Fort Myers . Southwest Florida's and last year two of the state's best volleyball teams will face off. . Outburst halts Casey Anthony murder trial .
Scott McIntyre/Staff Scenes from a ride on board the Murder Mystery ...
Aug 24, 2012 . Menus of SW Florida . Scott McIntyre/Staff Scenes from a ride on board the Murder Mystery Dinner Train out . Buy this photo . Riddim Runway Festival Downtown Fort Myers . TV: Fort Myers Social Security Disability Lawyer · Naples Criminal Defense Lawyer · Naples and Fort Myers Bankruptcy Lawyer .
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Professional Standards Bureau - Fort Myers Police Department
The officer involved, and any other officer at the scene of the incident, may be . are examined, physical evidence is gathered, and photographs may be taken. . The men and women of the Fort Myers Police Department strive everyday to not . the Police Station which is located at 2210 Widman Way, Fort Myers, FL 33901.
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Fort Myers man arrested in crime spree a suspect in May sexual ...
Jun 25, 2012 . Fort Myers police say the man charged Friday with murder and several other crimes during a nine-day alleged crime spree is a suspect in a .
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Submit A Crime Tip - Fort Myers Police Department
Due to the enormous popularity of Web and Mobile based apps the Fort Myers Police Department is now utilizing state of the art technology to receive crime tips.
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RISEABOVE | The News-Press | news-press.com
Southwest Florida Florida News - news-press.com is the home page of . the Fort Myers Police Department pauses Monday while working the scene of . There are 94 unsolved homicides in Fort Myers, dating to the 1960s. . in Fort Myers driving the point home Wednesday, the city's continuing crime . Rise Above photos .
Suncoast Estates News - Topix
Aug 14, 2012 . Local news for Suncoast Estates, FL continually updated from . Homeowner shocked he housed accused murderer . Imhoff was killed inside a North Fort Myers home that Retherford . to the crime scene where Gregory Imhoff was killed in North Fort Myers on Tuesday evening. . Suncoast Estates Photos .