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How many mpg do you get from a Geo Metro with a Suzuki motor
How many mpg do you get from a Geo Metro with a Suzuki motor? In: Geo . As an aside, both these motors will work (with some slight modifications) in Suzuki .
Dave Cloud's 214 MPG Geo Metro (aka The Dolphin) : TreeHugger
Mar 16, 2011 . It's a little old 1997 Geo Metro that's been retrofitted into an streamlined electric car with impressive performance. It can haul two adults . Dave Cloud's 214 MPG Geo Metro (aka The Dolphin) . More Electric Car Modifications .
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66 miles per gallon in a Geo Metro
How I made my Geo Metro get 66.5 miles per gallon. Metro in . from 3Tech/Mike Cove Cylinder head modifications shown here plus exhaust ports polished .
100 mpg: How to save gas with the right modifications - MSN Money
Some of the modifications required for extremely high mileage may be too . as the Geo Metro), along with changes to his driving behavior, to achieve 99.7 mpg .
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5 odd eco-mods for extreme mpg | Fox News
5 odd eco-mods for extreme mpg. By Antony Ingram. Published May 14, 2012. High Gear Media. dolphin.jpg. Dave Cloud's Geo Metro-based Dolphin .
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May 31, 2009 . an attempt to make a 100 mpg car by uing a dinky Geo Metro 3 . An earlier attempt with the gas motor and aerodynamic mods got a solid .
Hypermiling News, Videos, Reviews and Gossip - Jalopnik
One year ago, Darin Cosgrove of Metrompg.com entered his Geo Metro in the Green . Here's the recipe mods and driving techniques used for the event.
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Geo Metro modifications
My Geo Metro · Projects Web Projects . MPG Tracking. This is the list of mods and results from those mods. . Additives. EnviroMax - Best to date: 52.29mpg .
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65+ vehicle modifications for better MPG -- MetroMPG.com
Recipe for getting 99.7 mpg from a Geo Metro 2. Aerocivic.com - famous aerodynamic Honda . Posted Monday, October 6/08 in Mods & Tests. wrench diagram .
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Home - MetroMPG.com - Geo Metro, Chevrolet Metro / Swift, Pontiac ...
Recipe for getting 99.7 mpg from a Geo Metro 2. . Second, a source of info about DIY efficiency mods, fuel-efficient driving, and fuel economy in general. More .
http://www.rutlandguttersupply.com/blog/2011/07/12/RainGutterStylesGutteringProfilesTypes.aspxProject: Geo Metro boat tail prototype - 15% MPG improvement @ 90 ...
Above image clockwise from top left: aluminum frame, cardboard construction; finished prototype; removed during A-B-A fuel economy testing; .
http://www.centralaluminumsupply.com/arch_specs.htmlOld Hatchback ModificationsMetroXFi.com - Geo Metro XFi
And what is your mpg, after all your latest mods? I have a 1989 Geo Metro myself! And am in the process of also making a Aero/Metro 3 wheeled car, ( 1 wheel in .
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Still getting average 44 - 47 mpg. This 1990 Geo Metro XfI has either 178k or 278k miles on it (I am leaning towards the latter). I DO plan to .
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Modified '95 Geo Metro; Underdrive Pulley, MPG Sensative Cruise Control, Suzuki Esteem Seats, Aero Mods, 3.79 Tranny, XFi Cam, etc.
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Video: tuft testing front wheel skirts (Geo Metro). In Aerodynamics . I'm shooting for 40 mpg with the aero mods and some conservative driving." In the end, he .
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Cornell 100+ MPG Team - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
They have been using a 1991 Geo Metro as a test bed to evaluate the . Mods Get Cornell's Auto X Prize Mule in Test Rally for Real-World MPG Clues .
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Aerodynamic tail makes Geo Metro even cooler - Hack a Day
Dec 25, 2009 . [MetroMPG], an environmentally friendly car enthusiast from Ontario, added a tail to his . now let's see someone do this mod to an actual car :P .
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Recipe for getting 99.7 mpg from a Geo Metro - MetroMPG.com
Recipe for getting 99.7 mpg from a Geo Metro. Posted Wednesday, May 13/09 in Mods & Tests. Green Grand Prix logo. At the start of this month, alt-fuel and .
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Cornell Auto X Prize Team Hacks Metro Geo Chassis for 100-mpg ...
Oct 1, 2009 . Cornell Auto X Prize Team Hacks Metro Geo Chassis for 100-mpg Hybrid . AXP team integrated electrical components into its Geo Metro mule, the car's . Picks Geo Metro to Go Electric at 100 MPG · Last-Minute Mods Get .
Pimp My Eco-Ride | OnEarth Magazine
Nov 29, 2011 . A black Geo Metro, sporting vanity license plates exhorting "REVOLT," was . talk shop, and compete in the MPG Challenge -- an 18-mile race through the city . Nelson said he hadn't come to eco-modding by way of politics.
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Suzuki Cultus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1988 Production of the first Geo Metro models begins at Suzuki's plant in . Slight modifications were made in 1987, including increasing the wheel sizes from . Rated at 60 hp (39 kW), the engine achieved 38 city, 45 highway mpg per the .
Geo Metro halved for better mileage - Hack a Day
Jun 16, 2008 . [Doug Heffron] modified this 1989 Geo Metro way back in 1993. . 46mpg), but [ Doug] decided he could do better with some aero modifications. . Cars could be produced that get up to the 60~70 mpg range by stripping off all .
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Geo Metro XFi
90 day Average 62.7 MPG; Last tank Average 62.7 MPG; Lifetime Average 60.1 . For those that don't know, the base Geo Metro had an EPA rated mileage of 46 city . The car, if not driven hard, will get over 50MPG without any modifications.
http://stratco.com.au/products/flashings/types/curved_flashings/curved_flashings.aspAerocivic - Honda Civic modifications for maximum gas mileage ...
Initially I built the aero mods in aluminum bar, Coroplast, and clear vinyl and then as they . Aerodynamic boat tail on Geo Metro good for 15% more MPG .
http://www.britishlead.co.uk/downloads/fitting-guides2.pdf10 reasons to buy a geo metro
May 7, 2012 . The number one reason for buying a Geo Metro, then, is obvious: Gas Mileage. . Manual geo metros regularly get 50+ MPG, and with some . "Eco modding" has become such a popular activity with geo metro owners that .
Baking with Olive Oil
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1992 Geo Metro Consumer Discussions
I have a 1992 geo metro with automatic and when I put the selector in . Any mods that may have to be done. . 3cyl that still gets 40plus mpg.
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The 214 MPGe Geo Metro "Dolphin" Conversion - Gas 2
Mar 23, 2011 . I love the Geo Metro, because it is about as minimalist as cars get. It also set the high water mark for American fuel efficiency at 52 mpg highway . Filed Under: Car hacks / Mods Tagged With: David Cloud, Dolphin, Dolphin .
I made $ drag racing my stock Geo Metro 3 cylinder (long ...
Sooooo I drove the 96 Geo Metro 1 liter down there. . a total of 15 full out passes on the track gave me my worst FE ever of only 37.1 mpg. . Often stated and always true...the driver mod is the best mod available for your car .
Purpose building a car for MPG (on a budget). What would YOU do ...
On a low budget: Geo Metro, tweak the engine to provide more torque down low, and aero-mod it like hell. It's already a hooptie anyway.
Testing grille blocking & wheel skirts: +5.7 ... - MetroMPG.com
Recipe for getting 99.7 mpg from a Geo Metro 2. . 65+ vehicle modifications for better MPG 5. Metro mania: . Posted Tuesday, December 6/05 in Mods & Tests .
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Project 'nerd gear': taller tranny transplant nets + ... - MetroMPG.com
Recipe for getting 99.7 mpg from a Geo Metro 2. Aerocivic.com - famous aerodynamic . Posted Monday, December 18/06 in Mods & Tests. floating transaxle .
Page 4 - MetroMPG.com - Geo Chevrolet Metro, Pontiac Firefly ...
metrompg.com welcomes fuel efficiency nerds everywhere . Recipe for getting 99.7 mpg from a Geo Metro . Posted Wednesday, March 8/06 in Mods & Tests .
Radom InformationMetroXFi.com - Geo Metro XFi
Apr 12, 2012 . Geo Metro Modification List for Mileage. This is a work in progress list of all the modifications that are reasonably possible to get the best MPG .
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Geo Metro XFi Convertible Project PageMetroXFi.com
90 day Average 62.7 MPG; Last tank Average 62.7 MPG; Lifetime Average 60.1 MPG . This is the project page for my Geo Metro XFi Convertible Project. . finding a '92 convertible body and swapping everything (sans frame modifications)?
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Page 2 - MetroMPG.com - Geo Chevrolet Metro, Pontiac Firefly ...
metrompg.com welcomes fuel efficiency nerds everywhere . 1. Recipe for getting 99.7 mpg from a Geo Metro 2. . 4. 65+ vehicle modifications for better MPG 5.
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MetroMPG miscellany - MetroMPG.com
metrompg.com welcomes fuel efficiency nerds everywhere . 1. Recipe for getting 99.7 mpg from a Geo Metro 2. . 4. 65+ vehicle modifications for better MPG 5.
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Full boat tail - EcoModder
May 24, 2012 . Of all aero mods, a full boat tail will probably have the single largest effect . MetroMPG, Pontiac Firefly 1998 (Geo Metro), 55.93, 64.39, 15.1% .